
XB Joy Box 11
USB convertor

Win98、Win98SE、WinME、Win2000、WinXpも対応します。「Direct-X 7.0A 又は以上」
- Convert your XB controller, racing wheel to be used on PC computer.
- Support all of the buttons on your XB controller - including the 2 analog knobs.
- Easy to use - hot-plug into the USB socket of your PC computer and install the drivers. Then it will works perfectly.
- Support real vibration on the supported games - unlike the others which were driven by sound effect.
- Support 1 - 4 players mode - 1 - 4 controllers can be connected at the same time.
- Support both Digital and Analog mode.
- Compatible with WIn 98, Win98SE, Win ME, Win 2000 or Win XP, together with the Direct-X 7.0A or above.
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